Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Tools of Division

This was an anonymous comment to:

I thought it spoke pretty well to the things we should look out for.

Glittering Generalities-intensely emotionally appealing words closely associated with highly valued concepts and beliefs that carry conviction without supporting information or reason. Subsequently, they ask for approval without examination of the reason, i.e. love of country, desire for peace, freedom, glory, honor, etc. The connotation is always favorable though the owrds and phrases are vague suggsting different things to different people.

Assertions-positive statements presented as fact. Implication is the stated word is self-evident and needs no further proof. They may or may not be true.

Fear-Fear appeal is often used by the spieler by warning listeners disaster will follow if they do not follow a particular course of action. Deep seated fear appeal is utilized to redirect attention away from the merits of any argument and steps to take to dispel the emotion.

Leading questions-Asking questions which suggest only one possible answer.

Lying and Distortion-falsehoods are stated as truth which is contrary to fact.

Insinuation-used to create or stir up the suspicions of the target aduence against ideas, groups or individuals in order to divide. User suggests, hinit and implies thus allowing the audience to draw its own conclusions. Subsequently, latent suspicions and breaks within the target camp are expoited in an attempt to structure them into active expressions of disunity thus weakening their efforts.

Simplification-many facts of a situation are reduced so the good or evil, right or wrong, of an act or decision is obvious to all. This technique provides simple solutions for complex problems by suggesting apparently simple solutions for complex problems. Thus, the user gives simplified interpretations of events, ideas, concepts or personalities. Statements are positive and firm; qualifying words are never used.

Card Stacking or Selective Omission-process of choosing from a variety of facts only those which support the user's purpose. Thus facts are selected and presened which most effectively strengthen and authenicate the point of view of the propagandist.

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