Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Gore/Fiengold 2008

My dream ticket.

Vice President Gore refers to himself as a recovering politician. Maybe he truly has left the arena and is just acting as an elder statesman. A sane voice in the wilderness. I suspect and hope otherwise.

I , and many of my fellow democrats, keep looking for that inspirational candidate. One who possesses the political savvy to position himself to win and who shares our values. And, put plainly, I trust this guy to protect American interests. That means restoring our global image and paying attention to domestic issues.

On both fronts, we have a winner. Let's not forget that most of us were Gore fans before we had ever heard of Clinton. He has proven himself as a leader on issues ranging from the environment to national security. He has the experience and the compassion to lead. And, he has developed and implemented a genius strategy to put himself in position to win.

His resume is impressive. He won the popular vote once, and that was before people were pissed. Fiengold brings the disenfranchised progressives and helps in Florida, although I think Gore wins Florida anyway. I think the level of disgust that exists in this country right now will result in record turnouts.

I'm no strategist. There are many fine sites out there that are detail oriented. I read them and so should you. Be informed. And once you are, you can go with your gut (it will be an informed gut). My gut tells me that something exciting is about to happen.


The (liberal)Girl Next Door said...

My gut is telling me the same thing. I also think Gore is a great option and you're right I did love him before Clinton got a hold of him (and once he broke free of the Clinton DLC moderation crap, he became himself again). That is a pretty dreamy ticket you propose. Whatever happens, I think there is reason to hope if we all follow our hearts and guts instead of over-thinking the "electability" factor. If we vote for them, they're electable.

Yellow Dog said...

"pretty dreamy ticket", eh? Always comes down to the hotness factor with you, LGND, doesn't it?

The (liberal)Girl Next Door said...

Smart ass. That's not what I meant...but yes.

Yellow Dog said...

Oddly enough, you are not the first person to make that observation. As a matter of fact, I have met 2 "famous" people in my life and one of them also suggested that I was a smart ass. A story for our proverbial single malt.

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of Gore running in 2008...but the DNC has already decided for us...It will be a Clinton alright! But i believe it will be another disapointment...Hillary is NOT the answer

Yellow Dog said...

Our only hope i that the base is sart enough not to let th RNC and Fox deterine who our nominee should be.