Monday, March 06, 2006

I'm On Board

Yet another windbag in the electronic universe. I'll rant from time to time. Probably drunk, mostly. Mostly, I want to hear from people who are interested in the well-being of humanity. How is that well-being defined for you, and how is it achieved? You may derive from the title of the blog, that I am a liberal. I am a liberal in search of a viable solution to the woes that plague our nation. I want to perform an experiment.

You see, I can't recall a more divisive time in my life. I don't believe that is an accident. I want to know if there is any desire in this country to overcome this and hold a civil discourse. Is there room for concession anymore?

So the rules are simple. Be civil and, if you are able, be smart. If you can't be smart, well, I probably won't notice. If you can't be civil, I surely will.

1 comment:

The (liberal)Girl Next Door said...

Yellow Dog--Welcome to the blogstage! From the tone you have struck, I would say you are a sorely needed calm voice in a rant happy world. I look forward to hearing more from you as I, too, am interested in common ground and consensus building. Almost a lost art in this divisive, corrosive and rhetoric riddled political landscape we've built for ourselves.