Sunday, March 12, 2006

Bridge Building Award

This may be the most interesting and far-reaching political alliance in decades.

Democrats court moderate evangelicals

Wow. Now, I know that this doesn't fix much. We still don't have an honest 2 party system. And all of the Orwellian crap that is being reported still needs to be fixed. Yeah, I'm still as pissed off as you are, but can we take a moment to appreciate this?

My 7th grade English teacher was a hard-core drunk. It was even money as to whether he'd be in on a Monday morning. I could tell you some stories...So one day (probably not a Monday), we get a lecture about God, Country and Family (I went to a public school and wouldn't you know it , no one thought to tape it). I remember finding the lecture odd at the time, but I grew up trailer trash with a pretty mean drunk of my own at home, and I wasn't about to add this to my list of problems. We came away from the lecture with a clear understanding of our responsibilities as human beings. We were to serve God first, America second, and family if there was anything left to give. I abandoned God just around that time, for scores of reasons having little to do with my 3 pack-a-day English teacher.

He was just one of a long list of nut jobs that talked god at me. I've never had a reasonable conversation about god. And I'm dead nuts against anybody talking god at my kids. Growing up in our blood-thirsty world is enough of a mind-fuck. And let me tell you, it aint us godless heathens banging the drums of war.

So, here is this chasm. Seemingly impossible to bridge. Then along comes this young fella who seems reasonable. He seems to be more interested in doing the will of his loving god than he is in serving the will of the church elders.

You can read the article for yourself. It's really something. Took me a solid day to wrap my brain around and I'm still not sure that I trust myself to believe this is possible. But I think an olive branch has been extended, and I want to tell you why I am inclined to take it.

Sure, it has occurred to me that this may be an end run around the separation of church and state. But I WANT my kids (in an equal time sort of way) to learn about religion. They need to understand, at least in some perfunctory way, the motivations of the 80-90% of the people in the world who identify themselves as religious. And (GASP!) I trust the public school system to do this in a more even-handed way than the church (of course we need to stipulate some very clear ground rules).

So, I, for one, am interested in hearing more details about this. We have been viewed as the party of America-hating, anti-family, atheist cowards for too long. Of course, it would take volumes to point out how ludicrous this is, and even then, who'd listen. Here, I see an opportunity to show that even the very small percentage of Democrats who are atheists, are reasonable people who do not hate Christians. Most of us grew up in the church, and most of our families are still true believers. And guess what, we love them.

If this guy turns out to be the real deal, I am going to start some kind of Bridge Building Award, and he will be the first recipient. Until then, much love.


Rory Shock said...

is a bible literacy class the same as a bible as literature class? ... and if the bible is taught then mustn't every other religious text that a kid's family might follow also be taught ... the koran ... tibetan book of the dead ... whatever ... ? Interesting post

Yellow Dog said...

Yes, rory. I do believe you are correct in your assertion that any text to which a student might be exposed would have to be covered, which in my mind means less likelihood of it becoming a religous class, but it does present practical problems.

There are many details to be ironed out, and Ican't waitfor the debate to start.

The (liberal)Girl Next Door said...

Boy can you write my friend, this post had me busting a gut. I didn't grow up in the trailer park but in the Section 8 housing down the street. All of us shoeless, filthy, fun loving kids played in the same field though, ah, good times.

I, too, want my kids to be schooled in religion since they won't be indoctrinated in the church. I love the idea of public schools tackling religious texts as literature and as the inspiration for art (elective courses of course). It could even lead to (gasp) tolerance, perspective and true understanding.

Yellow Dog said...


You are too sweet. It really means alot to me to hear you say that. Anyone who reads your blog knows you have high standards.

Well, I didn't actually grow up in a trailer. That would have been a step up from the shanty I grew up in. I shit you not. No indoor plumbing. Let me tell you about a 2am trip to the outhouse in February in Maine. You dont bring a newspaper wth you.

Ever seen those old 5 gallon milk containers? We walked 1/4 mile to th brook (with a sledge and a pickaxe in the winter) to get our water. I am so not making this up. I'm 37 years old. Can you imagine. We'd poor some water into 2 one gallon pails with soup ladles. That was our drinking water. We all shared the ladle. With the biological stuff that was in that water, passing a few germs was of lttle conequence.

You want me to go on? Sometime we'll have to swap stories over my favorite single malt. You'll laugh so hard that you'll need a change of pants.

Rory Shock said...

great comment yd ... having lived like you did in NA in the time you did gives you insights and perspectives that the majority does not have ... and the sweet thing is that you have the talent and tools to speak them ...

Yellow Dog said...

Jeez. You're too kind, rory. Just the same, I think I'll keep my day job.

So, yeah. I grew up in very unusual circumstances. It's funny being a full-time college student again. It is impossible for most of these kids to fathom that we didn't always have instant access to information. Hell, I didn't even have instant access to a hot bath.

Rory Shock said...

yd ... you've got insights and experiences most middle class NA's don't ... and you've got the verbal talents and tools to bring the fruit of those insights and experiences out into the world ... that's sweet

Rory Shock said...

uh ... see I wrote that comment twice in two versions ... didn't see my first one post so rewrote ... and sent second one ... then saw first one posted ... but hey ... I think it bears repeating !!!!!! and I sure as shit ain't afraid to make a mistake or make a fool outa meself ... so yd ... say it again ... oh yeah!!!

Yellow Dog said...

Damn. I rock!